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Version: 2.12.0

Add web analytics to your site

The purpose of this file is to document how you can enable a Web Analytics solution. Currently Richie only supports by default the Google Analytics using the Google Tag Manager Javascript. But it is possible with little cost to add support for other web analytics solutions.

Google Analytics

Next, it is decribed how you can configure the Google Analytics on your Richie site.

  • Add the WEB_ANALYTICS_ID setting, with your Google Analytics tracking id code.

The current Google Analytics implementation also includes custom dimensions. Those dimensions permit you to create further analyses on Google Analytics or even use them to create custom reports. Custom dimensions with a value as example:

  • Organizations codes - UNIV_LISBON | UNIV_PORTO
  • Course code - COURSE_XPTO
  • Course runs titles - Summer edition | Winter edition
  • Course runs resource links - http://example.edx:8073/courses/course-v1:edX+DemoX+Demo_Course/info
  • Page title - Introduction to Programming

Location of the web analytics javascript

Use the WEB_ANALYTICS_LOCATION settings to decide where do you want to put the Javascript code. Use head (default value), to put the Javascript on HTML header, or footer, to put the Javascript code to the bottom of the body.

Add a new Web Analytics solution

In this section it's described how you can add support to a different Web Analytics solution.

  • override the richie/web_analytics.html template
  • define the WEB_ANALYTICS_ID setting with your tracking identification
  • define the WEB_ANALYTICS_PROVIDER setting with a value that represents your solution, eg. my-custom-web-analytics-software
  • optionally change WEB_ANALYTICS_LOCATION setting with head (default) or footer value
  • Example of a richie/web_analytics.html file customization that prints to the browser console log the dimension keys and values:
<script type="text/javascript">
{% for dimension_key, dimension_value_list in WEB_ANALYTICS.DIMENSIONS.items %}
console.log("dimension: index '{{forloop.counter}}' with key '{{ dimension_key }}' with value '{{ dimension_value_list|join:" | " }}'");
{% endfor %}


dimension: index '2' with key 'course_code' with value '00017'
dimension: index '3' with key 'course_runs_titles' with value 'Run 0'
dimension: index '4' with key 'course_runs_resource_links' with value ''
dimension: index '5' with key 'page_title' with value 'Business-focused zero-defect application'

But you can also contribute to Richie by creating a pull request to add support for a different web analytics solution. In this last case, you have to edit directly the richie/web_analytics.html template.

Example of an override of the richie/web_analytics.html file:

{% block web_analytics %}
{% if WEB_ANALYTICS_PROVIDER == "my_custom_web_analytics_software" %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'myapp/js/custom_web_analytics_software.js' %}">
<script type="text/javascript">
// javascript code that startups the custom web analytics software
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock web_analytics %}

The web analytics dimensions are being added to the django context using the WEB_ANALYTICS.DIMENSIONS dictionary. Because each dimension value could have multiple values, then each dictionary value is a list. Web analytics dimensions dictionary keys:

  • organizations_codes
  • course_code
  • course_runs_titles
  • course_runs_resource_links
  • page_title

Example, if you only need the organization codes on your custom richie/web_analytics.html file:

<script type="text/javascript">
console.log("organization codes: '{{ WEB_ANALYTICS.DIMENSIONS.organizations_codes |join:" | " }}");