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Version: 2.15.0

Joanie Connection


All settings related to Joanie have to be declared in the JOANIE dictionary within To enable Joanie, the minimal configuration requires one property:

  • BASE_URL : the endpoint at which Joanie is accessible

Add to your

"BASE_URL": values.Value(environ_name="JOANIE_BASE_URL", environ_prefix=None)

Access Token

Lifetime configuration

Access Token is stored within the SessionStorage through react-query client persistor. By default, richie frontend considered access token as stale after 5 minutes. You can change this value into settings.ts by editing REACT_QUERY_SETTINGS.staleTimes.session.

To always have a valid access token, you have to configure properly its stale time according to the lifetime of the access token defined by your authentication server. For example, if your authentication server is using djangorestframework-simplejwt to generate the access token, its lifetime is 5 minutes by default.