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Version: 2.29.1

Discover Richie

Learning Management Systems (LMS) are great tools for hosting and playing interactive online courses and MOOCs.

However, if you need to build a complete website with flexible content to aggregate your courses, in several languages and from different sources, you will soon need a CMS.

At "France Université Numérique", we wanted to build an OpenSource portal with Python and Django. That's why we built Richie on top of DjangoCMS, one of the best CMS on the market, as a toolbox to easily create full fledged websites with a catalog of online courses.

screenshot of richie demo site

Among the features that Richie offers out of the box:

  • multi-lingual by default,
  • advanced access rights and moderation,
  • catalog of courses synchronized with one or more LMS instances,
  • search engine based on Elasticsearch and pre-configured to offer full-text queries, multi-facetting, auto-complete,...
  • flexible custom pages for courses, organizations, categories, teachers, blog posts, programs (and their inter-relations),
  • Extensible with any third-party DjangoCMS plugin or any third-party Django application.

Quick preview

If you're looking for a quick preview of Richie, you can take a look and have a tour of Richie on our dedicated demo site.

It is connected back-to-back with a demo of OpenEdX running on OpenEdX Docker.

Two users are available for testing:

  • admin:
  • student:

The database is regularly flushed.

Start your own site

The next step after discovering Richie on the demo is to start your own project. We provide a production-ready template based on Cookiecutter that allows you to generate your project in seconds.

Follow the guide on starting your own Richie site with Cookiecutter.

Once you created a new site, you will be able to fully customize it: